History of Computers

A brief History of Computers

Hello guys… Today I’m here to discuss a brief introduction about computers and main features and history about it.

But before I describe my topic I personally want to introduce you about a computer. So let’s find out that what is meaning of a computer and what is its historical background.

What is a computer?

As I’ve read in my course books I want to describe about computer that computer is an electronic device which can calculate numerical values and we can get answers to our questions. Computer not only can tell us answers but it can also store and keep our data for a longer time.
Friend’s computer was a great invention which changed our life thoroughly. Before this invention we were not expecting that we can save our data or we can get our answers from a device.
Today computer changed our life thoroughly and made our life so fast that we do our duties with a single click. We can save a large amount of data with a single click and for a longer period.
Now I want to tell you a brief history of computer invention.

History of Computers:

Computer history is almost 2500 years old. As almost every person knows that first device which invented was abacus. That was a huge device which was used to measure and calculate values and numerical data. That device was slow in operation and was huge in size.
In 1642 French Pascal invented a new machine which was made on cogs and this machine was named as Pascaline. He made this machine to help his father in calculating tax values.
Charles Babbage is known as father of modern computers as he invented a machine which had an input and ability to store some data.
Modern computers are also built on his theory.
Here are main companies which are making computers and software.
Microsoft, IBM, Apple, Intel, HP, Dell,
Here is a little introduction to these companies.


Microsoft was founded on 4th April 1975 by an American person named Bill Gates in New Mexico, United States. Microsoft was built to ensure the needs of personal computers. Company is creating various products such as Microsoft windows, Microsoft office, Skype and many more. Company has approximately 1, 14000 employees. Microsoft is also offering various services such as one drive, MSN, Bing, Xbox live, MSDN and outlook.com. Basically Microsoft is known as computer hardware and software manufacturing company. Company is serving in all over the world.


IBM stands for “international business machines”. Company was built on 16 June 1911 by Charles Runlet Flint. Its main office is in New York and company is serving in 170 plus countries. Company is basically built for information technology and has a large amount of products. IBM has numerous numbers of products and its appliances are sent in all world.


    Apple is well known company built in 1976 in California New York by Steve jobs, Steve wozniak and     Ronald Wayne. Apple is very famous due to its mobile phones known as iphone. Apple Company has       many products such as apple pay, apple store, and online apple store and iTunes. Apple Company has       various products such as I phones, Mac, IPod, Apple TV and OS X.


Intel Company was founded in July 1968. Company was founded by Gordon Moore. Intel has served everywhere in the world. Intel is producing many products such as central processing units, solid state drives, motherboard chipsets, micro processors and memory chipsets. Head quarter of Intel Company is in California us. Intel has built latest technology.



   HP is also known as Hewlett-Packard. Founded 9 months ago and head quarter is in California. HP         
   Company is a public company. HP is producing laptops, desktops and tablets. HP has so many other products.
Dell Company was founded in 1984. Dell was founded by Michael Dell. Company is headquartered in round rock united states. Area served by Dell is worldwide. Industry of Dell is producing computer hardware and software. But now dell is also producing mobile phones and tablets as well. Michael Dell is not only founder of dell as he is chairmen and CEO.
Common parts of a computer:
Basically a personal computer which is also known as PC may have followings parts.
Computer, Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse, Printer & Speakers
A brief detail will be discussed here about these basic components.
Main case of a computer system is computer and commonly known as CPU. Cpu have many components inside it which are as follows.
Hard Disk:
Hard disk is main storage unit of a computer. It stores and keeps our data securely and we can find it here at any time. Hard disk is also known as primary storage device.
DVD Drive:
DVD drive is second compulsory components of a CPU because it can be used to insert soft data into the computer and further we can store it in hard disk. DVD can run cd’s and DVDs. These disk drives can store a limited data and these are known as temporary storage. Because I think data is not much safer than hard disk. DVD drive is used to run cd’s and DVD to show data.
Ram is also known as random access memory. Ram is used to show data from computer to display unit. Ram cannot store data but keeps data for a short time. Without ram system is unable to display any content.
Rom is also known as read only memory which stores data like bios (basic input output system) and date, time settings. Rom can store data permanently which can’t be changed anyhow.
These are some parts which are included in a system CPU discussed above.
Monitor is a display device which shows our work. Monitor is an output device and computer result is shown on it.
Keyboard is known as input device which is used to input data and to input alphabetical and numerical values.
Also an input device which is used to give orders to computer and it is also known as pointing device.
Printer is an output device which is used to get hard copy result from computer.
Speakers are used to produce sound and to get sound results from computer system.
Friend’s computer is an amazing invention and now I want to describe some advantages and disadvantages of computers.
Advantages of computers:
Computer invention has so many advantages which are described below here.
Computer is used to calculate values in seconds.
Computer can store hundred of books.
Computer can work even faster than human.
Computer can be used to control robots, cars and many more.
Computer is used to control factories and store rooms.
Friends while computer has many advantages for human beings it also have some disadvantages which are discussed here.
A computer uses energy which costly and poor countries are unable to afford it.
Computers are costly and everyone can’t afford it.
Computer is not easy to use for everyone so all people can’t run it.
Computer has limited man power so its use is making mankind useless.
Some people are using computer badly and using it for bad activities which is known as cyber crimes.
Many people don’t known well how to use so they can’t work efficiently with computers.
Illiterate people are unable to use computer so they can’t progress in their life.
Dear friend’s computer invention has so many benefits but it also dropped some negative effects which have sent human being in trouble.
Some people are using computers with negative mind which affected our nation.
Guys please use it with positive thinking and stay blessed.
Have a nice life ahead.



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