Remembering Abdul Sattar Edhi

Hello guys how are you. As we know that Allah sent us on this world for a limited time to worship for Him and to live a good and a brilliant life full of kindness and sympathy. As everyone knows that world is full of different type of peoples. Some are good mannered and working for mankind while others are just to destroy the world. Friends and followers Allah has not sent us just to waste our time here. We have to pray and worship and spend our life will full devotion and according to rules and regulations of Allah. I am here today to talk about a person who spent his whole life to work for helping mankind. He devoted his whole life in helping poor people not only in Pakistan. He worked in the entire world. He felt pain and trouble for every person who was exactly feeling it. A true person who spread love and happiness. A great personality, who was Abdul Sattar Edhi. Today as we know that he is not with us but his hard work and love for ...